Two women wearing white aprons stand behind table covered with objects.  Four people sitting in chairs look on.  Man in blue shirt points towards table.

Save Your Family Treasures (SYFT) Workshops

Woman in white shirt and apron and Man in green had and checkered shirt look at a violin in its case

Smithsonian conservators show how to save family treasures at a FEMA Disaster Recovery Center. Nora Lockshin

Family heritage connects us to our past, grounds us in the present, and helps us imagine our future.  When homes are upended by disasters such as storms, flooding, hurricanes, and tornados, treasured family heirlooms including photos, books, quilts, and other keepsakes become even more cherished. The most important thing to remember is, even in the aftermath of a disaster, these items may be salvageable. The Smithsonian Cultural Rescue Initiative’s mission is to help U.S. and international communities preserve their history and identities. We have offered the Save Your Family Treasures (SYFT) demonstrations in Nebraska, Iowa, Florida, Louisiana, and many other places. FEMA is now working with SCRI and HENTF to offer the demonstrations as part of our domestic response at Disaster Recovery Centers.

The Save Your Family Treasures (SYFT) demonstrations provide simple planning and preservation advice to those who are preparing for a disaster and those who have experienced a disaster. The demonstration offers information on how to organize your items to mitigate a potential disaster as well as how to handle, dry, and clean damaged personal keepsakes after disaster strikes using materials accessible at local hardware or convenience stores. Fact sheets and instructions on how to find additional specialized help are available on our website. 

This effort is part of the Smithsonian Cultural Rescue Initiative national role in heritage rescue.  With FEMA, we co-chair the Heritage Emergency National Task Force, a public-private partnership of more than 60 organizations, whose mission is to protect cultural heritage in our nation’s states, tribes, territories, and local communities from the damaging effects of natural disasters and other emergencies.

To learn more about SYFT and how you can help protect your family treasures, we encourage you to read the articles and materials below.   

Image Credit: FEMA