Liz Kirby

Elizabeth Kirby

Senior Advisor for Programs and Partnerships

Since 2017, Elizabeth Kirby has used her experience to help SCRI staff engage with organizations dedicated to the preservation and sustainability of cultural heritage through collaborations and program development. She joined the Smithsonian in 2012, as the Grants Development Specialist for the Smithsonian Consortia, a central research and program incubator that fostered interdisciplinary work across all the Smithsonian’s museums and research centers, addressing complex issues such as climate change, ocean health, and the protection of cultural heritage under threat from disaster. Prior to that, she spent 25 years in higher education advancing resources for scholars and practitioners. She served as a director of the Office of Sponsored Programs, an assistant director of Corporate and Foundation Relations and held a post in continuing education developing customized training programs for private and public sector organizations. She completed her master’s degree at American University in Linguistics and her bachelor’s degree from the University of Florida in Asian Studies. She holds the Certified Research Administrator (CRA) credential.